Loyd Elmore Jr. - Author
Discover original tales blending fantasy, horror, and science fiction from an independent author.
Confessed nerd and creator.
Confessed nerd and creator.
Howdy, readers!!!
My name is Loyd Elmore Jr (that's one L in Loyd) and I'm an author. It's something I've wanted to be since I was small. I finally got the courage to publish what I wrote and hope to continue until I run out of ideas or I'm dead. This website is something that will change over time. Right now, it's just a place to advertise my books (present and future works) and I hope to keep a blog for those who want to know about the worlds I'm creating like Malinville and some future series. And maybe in the future, I'll sell my books from the website and you can get signed copies. Until then, you can come to see me at local book signings. You can always click on the book and it will send you to Amazon where my books are available for purchase.
This website will be a work in progress so it will ALWAYS be under construction. Be careful and wear a hard hat.
This website will be a work in progress so it will ALWAYS be under construction. Be careful and wear a hard hat.
Coming Soon
I was born in Fort Worth and at the ripe old age of one, my family moved to Middle Tennessee. I grew up on everything nerdy (comic books, Star Wars, G.I. Joe, Indiana Jones, and Stephen King). And these are loves that I have never let go of. I decided that writing books as well as reading them was what I was destined to do.

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Contact Loyd Elmore Jr. - Author
Contact Info
Email: 733squaredmedia@gmail.com